Category: Your Daily Motivation
A little positive quote to lift and motivate you in your daily life.
Challenge Yourself Everyday Just A Little.
Growth starts with the idea that we can move beyond our present circumstances. So each day challenge yourself to do better and better.
Do the Right Thing For You Always.
The right thing can be hard to define. So I’ll put it another way. Do what you believe is right and in line with your values and moral code. It may not be what others would do but we all have to be true to ourselves. Never allow others to talk you into what feels… Read More Do the Right Thing For You Always.
Nurture Your Mind Everyday.
Everything starts in your mind. Your thoughts and attitude will determine what you do and how you react. So make sure you nuture a positive mindset everyday to gain more success.
Believe You Are The Hero In Your Own Life And You’ll Be The Hero In Someone Else’s.
Lets’ face it heroes who wear spandex and cloaks only appear on the big screen or in comics. They don’t do all the magic that happens right on your doorstep every day. That’s you! The smile you give someone that day could be the very lifeline they needed. So never forget, you are a hero,… Read More Believe You Are The Hero In Your Own Life And You’ll Be The Hero In Someone Else’s.
Listen To Your Gut Instinct It’s Usually Right.
If we have listened to someone tell us for a long time we are wrong then we can believe that other person over ourselves. We begin to stop listening to our gut instinct and to a deeper part of ourselves. But your gut instinct is usually right. Begin today to check in with yourself and… Read More Listen To Your Gut Instinct It’s Usually Right.
Happy Christmas
Just Begin Motivation Will Follow.
Many people believe that we need motivation to start something. In fact, we don’t. If we begin by taking small steps towards our goal we will find that motivation will follow and we will continue with the project. So for today set the goal, make a small step towards achieving it and don’t wait till… Read More Just Begin Motivation Will Follow.
Allow Others To Create Their Own Lives.
If you want to live your life as you seem fit, then you must allow others to do the same. Like I said yesterday someone will always find fault with what you do. But this also goes for you too. You will attract what you put out there. So ask yourself: Am I finding fault… Read More Allow Others To Create Their Own Lives.
Live Your Life Your Way.
Someone will always find fault. Everyone will have an opinion on how you should live your life given the chance. Just live your life anyway without fear. Never wait for approval from someone else to live your life. As an adult you are only responsible for yourself and no one else. … Read More Live Your Life Your Way.
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