Your Daily Motivation

Nice People Have Limits Too!

Learning to set healthy boundaries is okay. Don’t allow anyone to use you as a doormat. We have to ask ourselves is there someone in, or around, my life who doesn’t respect our boundaries? If there is, then isn’t it time to set a healthier boundary with them?

Your Daily Motivation

Busy Doesn’t Guarantee Results

We can all get busy. Some of us use it to get better or distract ourselves from what’s going on around us. But we have to ask ourselves is what we are doing giving us the results we want, need, or deserve? If not then it’s time to review what is keeping us busy.  

Your Daily Motivation

Don’t Let Other People Bring You Down.

No more allowing dream crushers, negative vampires into your life. Only surround yourself with supporters. So for today let’s reflect on those people you have in your life. What category do they fit into? Dream crusher, negative vampire or supporter? Let go of all those you can immediately and distance over time the others.