Your Daily Motivation

Learn It’s Time To Disengage

Sometimes it’s not good for your sanity to be so helpful or nice to people. Sometimes that only draws you in further into drama and the insanity of others. Instead you owe it to yourself to disengage and let others take responsibility for themselves.

Your Daily Motivation

Be Grateful For Where You Are Now

Faith and hope isn’t just about the future. It is about your present too. Being grateful for who and where you are now is part of having that faith and hope for now and the future. So for today, how can you show gratitude for where you are now?

Your Daily Motivation

Remember It’s All A Gift

We can become enraged, fearful, deflated, jealous, etc., when we are in denial in life. But we need to own our feelings, express them if need be, but perhaps take a moment to breathe and centre ourselves first. Remembering instead that it’s all a gift.