Your Daily Motivation

Wear Your Passion

 Be proud of what you’re passionate about. Sometime we hide what we like from others, why do we do that? What is wrong with liking something or wanting to do something you like? Nothing. So wear your passion like a badge of honour. 

Your Daily Motivation

Everyone Matters

Encounters we have are always personal. We meet others and we stand in judgement before we get to know them at times. we bring our previous experiences to bear here, we can’t help it most of the time. But if stop and think for a moment and allow ourselves to wait, we realise that everyone… Read More Everyone Matters

Your Daily Motivation

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

 Comfort zones can serve a purpose in life. They can keep us on track, remind us we need to keep our basic self-care going etc. But comfort zones become uncomfortable when we have outgrown them. Be willing to admit that and move on.