Your Daily Motivation

The Walls You Build Will Be The Only Ones To Confine You

The Walls You Build Will Be The Only Ones To Confine You  When we get hurt it is only natural to raise our walls to protect ourselves. These may serve you for a time but as time goes on they no longer serve us but hinder us.

We need to let these barriers down, we need to build our trust in ourselves first and then in others. This can be hard. When we’re hurt we can often lose faith and trust in ourselves. It is a slow process to build this up again, but so worth it in the end.

When we leave these walls in place we only confine ourselves, we effectively place ourselves in a prison that keeps us locked away from a happy life. You may feel you need help letting these walls down, that’s okay, help is available through counselling. But if you wish to take a proactive approach first I would suggest you start by trusting your own thoughts, gut instinct and opinions above others.