Your Daily Motivation

Anyone Who Doesn’t Care About Losing You Let Them Go And Move On

Anyone Who Doesn't Care About Losing You Let Them Go And Move On DBpsychology 24aSo you’re with family, friends and partner and they treat you like you’re the solution maker to all their problems, but don’t have time for you and your needs too? Then it’s time to let these people go. Sometimes we have to break our own hearts in order to love ourselves that bit more than everyone else.

Yes, I know I can hear you say but what if I’m left alone? You already are. You already feel that loneliness inside because your needs are not being met by others, but more importantly by yourself as you’re too busy running around after these people.

You will find people that respect and care for you even when you change this habit.

So for today ask yourself do I need to let go of someone in my life that really doesn’t respect, care or love me just as much as I do them?