Your Daily Motivation

Choose To Live By Choice Not Chance


Choose To Live By Choice Not Chance

It’s okay to take charge of your own life, make plans and have dreams that others may not agree with. Sometimes it takes someone else reminding us of this to actually take action.

When we do ourselves the disservice of living someone else’s plans and dreams we are living by chance. The chance it will be okay for us too, the chance we might like what direction our life is going in, but also the chance it isn’t what we really want to do.

But when we take action to make our own plans and dreams we are now living by choice. Choice means taking responsibility for our own lives, taking charge and taking the good with the bad. That can feel scary at times, for it is easier to go along with someone else’s wishes and then we can blame them when it doesn’t go as planned for us.

So for today ask yourself Am I living my life or someone else’s? Is that what I now wish to do? Or would I like to start living my own life?