So we’re nearly at the end of January and I wonder how many of you have kept your new year resolutions? Perhaps some of you have continued but are faltering now? Most people let go of resolutions by the second week of February would you believe. Why is that? When we dig a little deeper maybe it’s fear holding you back from achieving what you want?
By questioning why we stopped a goal we can see what went wrong and take the necessary steps to rectify or learn from our mistakes.
Did you take on too big a challenge? Can it be broken down into smaller steps instead? Did you really want to achieve it in the first place or was it someone else’s idea? Maybe you got bored.
How about making it a smaller goal or theme for a month only and have 12 themes or goals instead. You’ll know that you don’t have to stick with it for as long – only a month, you’re much more likely to stick with it as it’s a shorter time frame – and you get the chance to try something different next month – eliminates boredom.
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