Mental Health

What is PostNatal Depression?

What is postnatal depression

What is Postnatal Depression?

Postnatal depression (PND) is a type of depression some women and men experience after they have had a baby. It usually develops in the first four to six weeks after childbirth, although in some cases it may not develop for several months.

There can be no reason for the depression which affects about 1 in 10 mothers and 1 in 25 men. Unfortunately, many men may be misdiagnosed and some are not coming forward so statistics may be underestimated.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of PND usually include one or more of the following:

  1. low mood for long periods of time (a week or more)
  2. feeling irritable for a lot of the time
  3. tearfulness
  4. panic attacks or feeling trapped in your life
  5. difficulty concentrating
  6. lack of motivation
  7. lack of interest in yourself and your new baby
  8. feeling lonely
  9. You can have feelings of guilty, rejected or inadequate
  10. feeling overwhelmed
  11. You may also feel unable to cope
  12. difficulty sleeping and feeling constantly tired
  13. physical signs of tension, such as headaches, stomach pains or blurred vision
  14. lack of appetite
  15. reduced sex drive

Mums And Dads Can Have PND

Many women and some men experience some of these symptoms after childbirth so it may mean you do not have PND. But the main thing to remember is if in doubt seek advice from your GP. Or reach out for help to family, friends, midwife, health visitor and your partner.

Many women and men and their families/ partners fail to recognise they have PND which is why it is so important to raise awareness of the symptoms before birth. Keeping yourself informed is not overkill but beneficial to you and your child.

Being aware of your own mental health is so important at any stage of your life, so never be put off by what others may say or think. Always ask for help it shows how courageous you are!

Everyday life is affected by PND but don’t give up you are not alone. Some women and men feel unable to look after their baby and/ or too anxious to leave the house or keep in touch with friends. Some may also get thoughts of harming their baby or themselves, this is common but doesn’t mean you will act on your feelings, nor does it mean you are a bad parent.

However, it is vital you receive help and support from your GP, specialist and/or support group of which there are many. ( see below) Treatment will benefit you, your partner and your child. Treatment will help you cope day to day with PND and as many have before you, know that you will come through this.

What Is Postnatal Psychosis

A rare and severe form of depression called postnatal psychosis can develop after childbirth to mothers.


  1. Symptoms of severe depression
  2. May also have Delusions (believing things that are untrue),
  3. Hallucinations (seeing things that are not there, or hearing voices)
  4. Irrational or suicidal thoughts.
  5. It is thought to be triggered by chemical and hormonal changes in the body that occur after birth.
  6. It is vital that the mother see their GP as soon as possible, because their health and the health of their baby may be at risk.

What is the Baby blues?

  1. A mild type of depression that occurs after childbirth
  2. Usually occurs around the 3rd to the 10th day after giving birth.
  3. It can last from a few hours to a few days.
  4. You may feel tearful and irritable, but no medical treatment is needed.
  5. It is experienced by more than half of all mothers in the western world.

Seeking further help and support

Your GP, midwife, health visitor, partner, family and friends can all support you. Your GP can refer you for any treatment and local support programs run by the HSE (Ireland) or NHS (UK)

For support during/after treatment please check out the various in person support groups run by mothers and professionals who have had PND themselves or online support can be had from:

#PNDhour every Wednesday 8 pm GMT on Twitter

For further information on Pandas Foundation UK

For further information on PND

Work With Me.

Remember you are allowed to ask for support. No one is an island. If you need extra support then you can also work with me. We all struggle with stress and overwhelm from time to time. If you find this has become a problem for you and you’d like some support then schedule an appointment with me.

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