Mental Health

What Is The STOP Method?

When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, fear, anger, etc., then using the STOP method can help. The STOP simply stands for stop, take a breath, observe and proceed and is a good grounding tool. This is a mindfulness based technique that should take under a minute the more you practice it. At… Read More What Is The STOP Method?

Mental Health

What Is Coercive Control In An Intimate Relationship?

Coercive control is a type of abuse in which there is a consistent pattern of controlling, coercive and threatening behaviour. It is often associated with emotional abuse, but can also cover physical, financial and sexual abuse by a partner, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife or ex. Coercive control is when a person uses ‘coercion’ or manipulation to control… Read More What Is Coercive Control In An Intimate Relationship?