Your Daily Motivation

You May Not Know This But You Are The Brightest Star In The Universe

You May Not Know This But You Are The Brightest Star In The Universe  Wouldn't it be wonderful if every day you believed that you were the brightest star in the universe and everyone could see this? Wouldn't it be nice to be so wonderful that people appreciated you and loved you just for being you?

Well, you can have that, you can have someone's love, each and every day. You can have the one person's love that will never leave you, the one person who has your back in everything, every day. The one person who is your best friend and at times can be your worst enemy.

That person is YOU!

If you don't believe in you if you don't have your own back and care for yourself, who will?

So for today as yourself: how can I care and nurture myself today? In what way can I have my own back and be my own best friend?