Each relationship looks entirely different and each relationship has its own strengths and weaknesses. Both parties should feel confident, positive, loved, wanted and useful. Plus have their opinions valued and respected even if you disagree with one another.
A healthy relationship is one based on both people having healthy boundaries and being able to maintain them in their relationship. It also requires effort by both parties to maintain it. There are a number of key elements in a healthy relationship. But one key element has to be present in all relationships for it to work.
Trust Between Each Of The Parties In The Relationship.
Trust is a fundamental element of any relationship and gives your relationship a solid foundation from which you can build and grow as individuals and as a couple. You certainly shouldn’t need to be with your partner 24/7 to know that you can trust them. But remember this trust is built over time as you get to know the other person.
Trust allows each person in the relationship to be vulnerable. It’s that knowing feeling that they can be relied upon no matter what happens in life. If you don’t build, and continue to build, trust your relationship then it becomes vulnerable to stress and uncertainty.
4 Tips To Build Trust In A Relationship.
First off take your time getting to know another person as this will allow trust to build between you. There are a number of questions on a variety of topics you can use to get to know someone really well. If you like you can find these questions in my blog on premarital counseling.
1 Use Good Communication Skills.
Remember communication and trust go hand in hand and at times communications is about listening more than speaking. Both people need to know that when they speak they will be listened to and heard. Plus they can do so as the relationship feels safe and non-judgmental.
Communication at all times is respectful and honest especially when there is a difficulty. It is certainly not about lashing out at your partner when you feel threatened. Or to use stonewalling, guilt tripping or any form of manipulation to get your way. If you have this tendency you can change it with the correct therapeutic support.
Remember healthy communication is the lifeblood of a healthy relationship. So if you want a healthy relationship it is worth investing in learning how to communicate and resolve conflict in a health manner. There are courses you can do as a couple or individually that will help.
2 Show Your Partner Respect. 
A strong element of trust is respect. Not only is this about respecting the other person’s beliefs, values, privacy, opinions and time, it is also about making sure you don’t belittle, invalidate or debase them. They should never be treated in such as manner. A lack of respect is one red flag to look out for as it indicates unhealthy relationships and unhealthy boundaries.
When respect starts to erode within the relationship trust erodes also. It may be a long road back to rebuilding and repairing the relationship. It may be hard. But it can be done with time, patience and dedication from both of you and with the help and support of a therapist.
3 Build From A Solid Friendship.
There will be times as you grow older together that your friendship is what will hold you together. Especially during the tough times when being able to support each other will be needed even more.
To help develop that friendship in the beginning having similar interests, values, beliefs, wants and desires would be helpful. These similarities give you something to build from in the early days.
But also remember it is okay to have other friendships and interests too. It’s okay to explore interests apart from one another and this should be encouraged in the relationship. If the trust is there, then there should be no problem with this type of interaction with others and exploration of self interests outside the relationship.
4 Allow Yourself To Be Honest, Open And Vulnerable.
You need to feel comfortable enough in your relationship to be able to express your opinions and concerns to your partner with honesty and openness. Both of you should be able to be your true self with the other person. Hiding your habits, behaviours or emotions from your partner puts the trust between you, and the relationship, in jeopardy.
No one gets it right all the time. As a couple you will have you’re ups and downs over time. But a relationship should help you feel empowered. You should encourage each other to be not only your true self but also to grow. A healthy relationship is one where you can both recognize your insecurities and work through them together as a couple. And that might mean acknowledging you need help and support also and reaching out for it if needed.
My Book.
Did you know I talk about basic self-care in my workbook The Building Blocks Of Self-Care? The steps in this workbook will help you lay the foundations to rebuilding your life, feel more in control and help you build healthy relationships. You can purchase it on Amazon or here.
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