
1 Tip That Will Build Self Confidence In Children.

1 Tip That Will Build Self Confidence In Children.We previously talked about what self-confidence is and when it developments in children. This week it’s time to look at one way a parent can help their child to build their self-confidence.

Make Sure They Know You Love Them Unconditionally.

Above any other technique you may use make sure your child knows you love them unconditionally. So much damage can be done to a child when it feels that love only comes at a price. You may have experienced this kind of love as a child. If this was the case please reach out to a therapist to help. You will need to work through any issues that may have resulted from this conditional love.

First off, make sure you do not treat your child as you were treated. Make sure you are only setting realistic expectations for your child. Accept all your children equally, as they are, and giving them your undivided attention.

Other Ways You Can Use To Show Your Child Unconditional Love.

  1. Letting your child know you love them unconditionally is the most important thing you can ever do. No matter what happens and no matter what the mistake. We all make mistakes children need to learn it is okay to do so. They need to know you are there for them and will love them no matter what. This helps them build their self acceptance, self-love and is a strong foundation in their self-confidence.
  2. Offer praise frequently. Making sure it is specific and not just given for reaching high achievements. Don’t forget indirect praise by letting friends, family and teacher know how proud you are of your child. They will hear about this and it will boost their self-esteem as a result.
  3. Make time for your child, so you can give them your undivided attention. Family life can be so busy. But your child will benefit from each amount of time you spend with them. When children feel their parents notice them it will develop self-belief and is a strong foundational aspect of self-confidence. You can build this into family routines, such as: stories before bed, attending games, showing interests in their hobbies or interests. Look at your family routines and see when you can give some extra attention. Even for a few minutes.

Remember one of the best ways we can help raise our child’s self-confidence is to raise our own.

My Books.

The topics and tips I give in my workbooks The Building Blocks Of Self-Care and Building Acceptance Into Your Life will all help you build your own self-confidence. You can purchase them on Amazon or here.