Your Daily Motivation

Courage Happens When You Hang On Even When You Want To Let Go

Courage Happens When You Hang On Even When You Want To Let Go

Having the courage to never give up on yourself, your dreams and goals is wonderful. It takes a lot to of courage to believe in ourselves especially when faced with adversity.

We do have to check in with ourselves on a regular basis and ask are these goals and dreams ours or someone else’s? If they belong to someone else, ask are these in line with my goals and dreams for me? If not, let them go, as it takes a lot of energy to dream and create someone else’s goals and that energy belongs to you and your dreams instead.

So for today check in with yourself and ask: Is the courage I’m using to hang on to dreams and goals for my benefit or just for someone else’s benefit? Knowing when to hang on and when to let go is very important.