Mental Health

Quick Ideas For Stress & Anxiety Reduction.

Quick Ideas For Stress & Anxiety Reduction DBpsychologyIt is only natural that people will find their anxiety and stress levels going up at this point. Yes, you will find that your temper will flare, your nerves will fray and your anxiety and stress will go up. There are things you may not be able to control. But you can follow the healthy and safety guidelines to keep yourself and your family safe.

There are things you can do to help.

There are also a number of things you can do to help yourself in becoming proactive in managing your stress and anxiety levels. You can stick to a regular routine. Plus make sure if you feel stressed and anxious that you bring it all back to basics. By basics I mean basic self-care, I have a blog and video here all about this.

I also recommend that you reduce caffeine intake at this time. I know many of us will up our intake at this time, but it will only make your stress and anxiety worse. The caffeine will make you feel more on edge only adding to your sense of anxiety and stress. Your body also needs extra water to flush toxins from it at this stage. So even if you can’t give up caffeine at this moment at lease make sure to drink one glass of water for every cup of tea/coffee.

I talk more tips on stress and anxiety here and here. But below you will find some quick ideas (that are quick in time response) you can do for self-help.

The key is that you need to remember you can be proactive in helping yourself here. Don’t wait until you feel stressed and anxious. Do some of the things below everyday now to help keep your anxiety and stress levels in check.

If you need help there are a lot of therapists available locally so reach out. Emergency services are still available to take your call in emergencies, don’t be afraid to make that call.

10 Minute ideas to reduce stress and anxiety.

  1. Listen to your favourite tunes, make sure they are positive.
  2. Create an uplifting and relaxing playlists. Then use them regularly!
  3. Listen to a podcast, make it uplifting or educational. No politics or negativity if you are actively trying to reduce your anxiety and stress levels.
  4. Stretch, if you don’t normally do this find a beginners video on YouTube and follow along.
  5. If you are experienced meditator teach others in the family how to do it. Please note: You should become aware of where your place your tongue during meditation. If it is on the roof of your mouth your jaw is tense. Make a conscious effort to drop your tongue while you breathe in order to reduce tension in the jaw line. There are plenty of simple free meditations online, download an app or use one of these.
  1. Read for pleasure. There are plenty of free books online through various apps.
  2. Count to 10 slowly and then do it backwards.
  3. Dance, pop on some uplifting music and get moving for 10 minutes. The physical activity will help move on the flight, fright or fight response hormones.
  4. Journal: Bullet points will do. Just get it all out of your head and don’t mind grammar and spelling. You can burn it afterwards.
  5. Make a list of things you can do around the house or garden. Small 10 minutes jobs, now pick one and get started. Keep the list so you can pick another job to do tomorrow. Getting caught up in activities like this will help distract you from what is going on.
  6. Write down 10 things you’re grateful for.
  7. Doodle or draw. Don’t worry no one will see it so just play. There are plenty of how to draw videos on YouTube, you can pick to follow along to.
  8. Tell some jokes/watch some comedy
  9. Call a friend. Make a list of people (positive only) you can connect with at different times of the day (make sure to spread out the calls during the day) and make those calls.
  10. Chew a piece of gum. This stimulates more than one sense also and can help break your thinking pattern.
  11. Focus & notice your present surroundings (This is a grounding exercise). What can you hear (close your eyes and just listen), see, smell (again close your eyes for this one)? Spend a few minutes on each sense.
  12. Slip off your shoes and notice how the floor feels under your feet. You can do this sitting or standing. This is a form of mindfulness also as your focus is fully on the soles of your feet.
  13. Disconnect from tech, media and social media sources. If you are becoming more stressed then you need to switch off. Only check reputable sources once a day at the most for updates.
  14. Look at a happy photos and recall happy memories.
  15. Squeeze a stress ball.
  16. If you feel angry, do wall pushing. Go to a room alone and visualise who you are angry at. Then place the palms of your hands on the wall. Close your eyes and imagine yourself pushing that person away. Do this for a few minutes until your anger subsides. The take some deep breathes, with a longer outbreath to calm you down. If you meditate please do so now, even for 3 minutes.
  17. Punch a pillow. Make sure to not do this in front of children. Again follow up with some meditation or deep breathing for a few minutes.
  18. Read an inspirational quote. You can also use it as a journal prompt.
  19. Spend time with your pets.
  20. Practice yoga poses, again if you are new to this find a reputable beginner’s video on YouTube or free online class.
  21. Do 20 jumping jacks, or push ups, or some form of quick exercise.
  22. Do something nice for someone you are living with.
  23. Sit in the sun in your back garden. Yes the weather will get warmer. If it is dry then wrap up warming and sit outside. A change of scenery, even if only outside in the back garden, will help.
  24. Visualize a safe, comforting place.
  25. Do 10 minutes of gardening. Again great way to get relax, distract yourself and use up those flight, fright, fight hormones.
  26. Give yourself a face or neck massage.
  27. Take a shower or bath.
  28. Reach out online to one of the many mental health support groups on facebook and twitter. Make sure this is positive and mute or block any people you feel are too negative for you at this time.

Parents: For advice on home schooling and helping yours and your child’s mental health please read this blog.

Plus My Book The Building Blocks Of Self-Care  deals with a variety of topics including a stress reduction chapter with worksheets you can use at home. More details are here.

Work With Me.

Remember you are allowed to ask for support. No one is an island. If you need extra support then you can also work with me. We all struggle with stress and overwhelm from time to time. If you find this has become a problem for you and you’d like some support then schedule an appointment with me.