Your Daily Motivation

Successful People Act As If They Have Accomplished Something

Successful People Act As If They Have Accomplished Something

Have you ever noticed how confident successful people look?  Well, they’re not. They know they have put in the preparation they need and then they act as if. In other words, they fake it.

No matter how many times you get up and speak in front of others, you still get nervous. Even extremely famous actors get nervous before going on stage. It’s all part of being human and perfectly natural. No one’s perfect, we all make mistakes. We make sure we have prepared in advance if we’re doing a presentation or have something to say as an icebreaker when introduced to someone. Keeping up with current events helps as you can use something from the local headlines. Ask people about themselves and show a genuine interest in what they are saying.  Remember to look people in the eye, keep your chin up – as it helps you feel more in control, people who are feeling down will tend to keep their chin closer to their chest and hunch their shoulders – and shake people’s hands. If people feel you’re sincere they will respect you and perhaps like you no matter how many mistakes you make.

So the next time you feel nervous about meeting people for the first time, remember it’s natural and people will be relieved to see you’re only human if you make a mistake.