Your Daily Motivation

If You’re Thinking It You’re Attracting It

If You're Thinking It Your're Attracting It

Sometimes life’s problems can feel overwhelming and all-encompassing at times. If you’ve been like a pendulum about something then just let it go if you know you have done all you can do and the solution isn’t there. Don’t forget you can ask for help too.

We need to understand how our brain works. It has this little part called the Reticular Activating System or RAS for short, the RAS allows us to notice many things in our lives and surroundings. Such as if you suddenly decided to buy a blue Peugeot then you start noticing all the other blue Peugeot’s on the road and it reinforces what a great idea it is to buy one. Well, this same system also has a bad side, when we feel down or have a problem we will start to notice all the other people who are down or have similar problems with no solutions like us. We see life in a negative manner and fail to see that we also have a lot of positive going in our lives too.

But the RAS can be fooled into seeing the positive again in life by using gratitude lists, positive quotes and affirmations, asking for help and so on.