Mental Health

Supporting Someone With An Anxiety Disorder.

Supporting Someone With An Anxiety Disorder DBpsychology 1It’s not just the person with anxiety who’s affected by their illness. Their friends and family are also affected. Living with, or dealing with, a person with anxiety can cause additional stress.

It is important that you understand your loved ones anxiety disorder, what it is and the symptoms. Needless to say it is also important that you encourage your loved one to seek medical help. The earlier they get help the sooner treatment can start.

How Can I Help My Loved One With Anxiety?

Get Support For Yourself. 

I strongly recommend that you get therapy whether your loved one does or not. You will need to learn some skills that can help support you and the person you are involved with. Family therapy may have already been suggested but you also need individual therapy.

It can be an emotional roller-coaster at times. You may lose trust and confidence in yourself, another reason why I recommend you enter therapy. This will begin your recovery process. Plus aid you in building healthier boundaries and your trust in yourself again.

Make Sure To Educate Yourself.

Understanding the signs and symptoms of the type of anxiety disorder your loved one has is vital. Anxiety, just like any mental health condition, can be very isolating for the person. Understanding their condition better will help you to be more supportive and sympathetic.

I’ve spoken in more detail about different types of anxiety disorders before. Each blog also contains information for some self-help but should not be used in lieu of professional therapy. Click each link below to read the relevant blog or watch the video.

Manage Your Stress Levels.

You need to actively reduce your stress. Make sure you get enough sleep, keep up any exercise, eat healthily and relax each day. Or speak to your doctor about putting some small changes in place that will support your mental and physical health. Your therapist can also help with this.

You may need time off away from your loved one you are caring for. Never feel guilty about this. You need this break to help you cope and reduce your stress levels. Having some time out with friends and just having time to your self is important.

It isn’t unusual for a loved one to get better only to find their carer has become ill as a result of all the stress. So think about stress reduction as a way to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy also.

Get Your Positive Support System In Place.

We all need four types of positive supports in our support system – emotional, tangible, informational, and social. There are many benefits to having a strong support system in place.

These supports can be provided by positive family, friends, colleagues and professionals. It is vital that you surround yourself with this kind of support. You too can become very isolating and lonely when supporting someone else.

Try To Stay Present For Your Loved One. Supporting Someone With An Anxiety Disorder DBpsychology 2

Knowing what to say or do can be hard at times. If we can just try to stay present with the person can be so valuable for anyone with anxiety. It’s important for our loved one to feel we are present for them. This helps them feel they are not alone or forgotten as anxiety disorders can be very isolating.

Allow Them Time To Talk.

It can be tempting to offer suggestions when someone speaks. But it is far better to just allow the person to speak and express their emotions. Listen without judgment or interference, give them a hug or hold their hand. Remind them how much you love them and are there to support them. Also remind them of how much they have overcome in past already.

In this way you can gain some insight into what they are experiencing. By listening you will better understand them and aid them in a more proactive manner. As I said supporting someone can be difficult at times this is why you need support.

Support Them In Practical Ways.

As I said above we all need a positive support system. You are part of this person’s positive support system. We all want to rush in to help when someone needs it but only if you do so in a healthy manner. That’s why I suggest you get your own support and look after yourself too.

There are many practical ways we can help apart from just listening. Taking them for a walk, drive them to doctor’s appointments, make them a meal, clean a room, drive the kids to school or babysit, etc. Ask them how you can help, this is vital, so don’t just jump in. Making some suggestions may be helpful but only if they agree to you doing those things. Then follow through on what you have agreed with the person.

Work With Me.

Remember you are allowed to ask for support. No one is an island. If you need extra support then you can also work with me. We all struggle with stress and overwhelm from time to time. If you find this has become a problem for you and you’d like some support then schedule an appointment with me.