Your Daily Motivation

Adjust Your Sails As You Go Through Life

 We grow and change throughout our lives, we most definitely never stay the same. Our dreams and hopes change with us. So we need to adjust accordingly if we are not to remain stuck.So for today ask yourself: Have I adjusted my dreams/goals as I have grown into my life?

Your Daily Motivation

Never Stop Believing In Yourself. You’re Stronger, Braver & Smarter Than You Think.

 We are great at telling other how great they are but we are our own worst enemies when it comes to believing in ourselves. Why is that? Usually, it’s about what we have heard in childhood, hearing we have to be modest, not praise ourselves, or it can be some very negative, unhelpful and unkind… Read More Never Stop Believing In Yourself. You’re Stronger, Braver & Smarter Than You Think.

Your Daily Motivation

Be Strong, Focused, Positive, Ambitious, Brave And Keep On Fighting.

Be Strong, Focused, Positive, Ambitious, Brave And Keep On Fighting, in other words never give up.  Yes, you’ll have up and down days where you will not feel any of the above, but overall you will do these things. Now you might say “That’s not me” well actually it is, we just underestimate ourselves on… Read More Be Strong, Focused, Positive, Ambitious, Brave And Keep On Fighting.