
Get The Self-Care Basics Right First.

Get The Self-Care Basics Right First DBpsychology 1If we don’t have the very basic self-care in place first then everything feels off kilter from there. These self-care basics should start to help us to meet our own basic self care needs. They form the foundations upon which we can feel more balanced and build our life.

If we don’t meet our own basic needs then we certainly cannot be with others in a healthy manner. Our basic boundaries are off kilter, our negative self-talk increases, our mental and physical health suffers. We are simply ignoring ourselves for the sake of others and their needs.

So before you set any new year’s resolutions this year perhaps consider making sure that your basic self-care is in place first. You can then build from there.

What Do I Mean By The Self-Care Basics?

1 Sleep:

You need between 7-9 hours every night, or at least try to get as close as possible. We can end up many problems when we don’t get enough sleep. But starting with a proper nights’ sleep can aid our productivity, better memory, attention and focus. Plus lower stress and inflammation levels to name but a few benefits. I discuss 11 ways you can help yourself get a better night’s sleep here. So perhaps your first goal of 2023 is to prioritize your sleep and if you have children their sleep routine too.

2 Eat Regular Meals:

This would be something like having 3 meals or 5-6 small ones daily. But please speak to your doctor or a nutritionist before making any changes to your diet. Always try to start your day off right by having breakfast. Some protein would be best if you can as it helps with sugar levels and decreases cravings. Plus I know we are all busy but don’t skip lunch! We can have a tendency to do this if we are very busy but we end up using caffeine and sugar to keep us going. Not very good for our mind and body if we want to be as productive as we can be, we are basically sabotaging ourselves.

3 Drink Water Daily:

Try to increase your water consumption to 8 glasses a day. The water will rehydrate you and keep you more alert. Plus cut back on caffeine. I know caffeine is the staple of every busy person. But caffeine interferes with the second control for sleep called the sleep hunger drive (homeostatic sleep drive). We need this sleep drive to build naturally during the day. So that by the time we reach bed it has built up enough that we need to sleep. If you can cut back you’ll feel and sleep better.

4 Exercise 30 Minutes; 5 Days A Week:

I know we are all busy but think about breaking it up into either 10-minute intervals. Or combine it with a hobby to make it more fun. There is plenty of research that supports the emotional and mental health benefits of exercise. These benefits range from boosting self-esteem to alleviating symptoms of mild to moderate depression.

5 Showers And Clothing:

Shower regularly, it’s not just about hygiene but you’ll feel better too. Not showering can be one sign, early on, of depression and other mental health issues. Dress the best you can, every day. Something that helps you feel good. Not what others say you should be wearing. Plus make sure to take care of your clothes and wash your clothes every week. Do other laundry and change bedding regularly also. Keep your home clutter free as this will help your mental and physical health.

6 Meditate Daily:

Meditation will help you re-engage in your life. You become more aware and attentive to what is going on around you. This helps us to make better decisions in our life, improves our overall mental and physical health also. Even if you have tried meditation before do try another form or combine with exercise. Something simple like the 3 minute breather doesn’t take up much time. You can find a number of podcasts with a variety of meditations that you can try for free here on my podcast including a 3 minute breather .

7 Journal:Get The Self-Care Basics Right First DBpsychology 2

Journaling is one of the best ways we can help our mental health. Routine writing allows you to get to know the real you. It helps us become more aware of, and clear about, different situations and people. As well as what makes us happy/sad, likes/dislikes or fears. It really heightens your self-awareness and allows us to challenge our negative thinking which will boost our self-esteem and positivity. Start by getting out all your feelings and emotions on to paper at night before you sleep can be beneficial to your mental health and improve your sleep. If you haven’t started yet then give yourself a boost by writing 3 things you’re grateful for every day also.

8 Build That Positive Support System.  

We all need four types of positive supports in our support system – emotional, tangible, informational, and social. There are many benefits to having a strong support system in place. These supports can be provided by positive family, friends, colleagues and professionals. It is vital that you surround yourself with this kind of support. So make sure you are increasing your time spent with positive people. This also helps decrease the time you have for the negative vampire.

Other Self-Care Ideas To Consider

  1. Take time for your own interests and hobbies. It really is vital you have some time for yourself and your own interests and hobbies.
  2. Parents, take time out to be a couple every week, it doesn’t mean it has to cost anything.
  3. Ask for help. Speak to a professional if necessary, your doctor could be your first port of call.
  4. Have regular check-ups with your Doctor and dentist.
  5. Attend therapy and/or recovery groups if needed weekly
  6. Use appropriate self-soothing techniques instead of using alcohol, drugs, food etc. Self-soothing techniques are good habits, so use these to replace bad ones, or introduce them while trying to quit bad habits. You can find a list of these starting here

If you find that you are missing some of these basics then I suggest you adopt introducing them as your New Year’s goals. Only pick and introduce one at a time. Make sure to cement that one into your life before adding another one.

My Book.

In my book, The Building Blocks Of Self-Care, I provide easy and quick strategies to get you back feeling rebalanced and more focus in your life. The book also includes all the worksheets you need to take you step by step through the process. You can purchase it on Amazon or through my website.