When we are stressed we can feel like we have no control over our life. If we start by taking back some control it can give us that little boost to tackle another aspect of stress’ impact on us.
Trying to change too much too soon though will impact our stress negatively and leave us feeling overwhelmed. So we are better off starting to make some small changes instead. This will add the change process of reducing our stress symptoms.
Make sure you start by using things you feel you have control over first. In this blog I discuss diet as a means of reducing our stress symptoms. Then perhaps you can tackle something else in your lifestyle that will reduce your stress. All the while you are regaining that feeling of control over your life.
Eat A Healthy Balanced Diet.
When we eat a diet full of processed convenience food, refined carbohydrates, and sugary snacks, plus lots of caffeine we can worsen symptoms of stress. Remember that natural fright, flight, and freeze response that comes with stress? Well some foods and drink will make it worse. It will throw off our natural stress response and leave us feeling permanently overwhelmed, on edge and off balance.
Eating a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, high-quality protein, and healthy fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, is better for stress reduction. When we eat more healthily we start to help ourselves cope better. We are reducing the amount of foods and drink that will worsen our stress symptoms.
Speak to your GP or to a nutritionist/dietician on how to eat a more balanced diet. Answer the following questions as well:
- What does your diet currently look like?
- Are you resorting to sugary snacks or caffeine to get you through the day?
- Do you need to check with your doctor about your diet and stress symptoms?
Don’t Change Too Many Things At Once.
It can be hard to change so much at once. In fact changing too many things at once will lead to failure. Slow and steady is far better for a successful outcome. So why not just start with some small swaps. For example: an apple or banana instead of a chocolate bar, one glass of water for every cup of coffee.
Make sure you have breakfast in the morning. We often skip this first important meal of the day when we’re stressed. We also tend to skip lunch too. You may be busy but you need to eat food and take a break to relax and talk to friends. This will help with your productivity levels in the long run and reduce your stress levels.
Cut Down On Caffeine, Sugar And Alcohol. 
You should look at reducing caffeine and sugar also. Both really stimulate the stress response in a negative way. Any small change to the consumption of either of these will help reduce your stress levels. Try switching to decaf or better still having a no caffeine rule after lunchtime. Swap in some water for every cup of tea/coffee you normally drink. You can try using zero sugar cordial in water to help with the taste until you get use to it.
It is so easy to reach for that extra glass of wine if we feel stressed. We initially feel more relaxed and we think it is helping our stress levels. But this can set up many negative cycles for us including making our stress feel worse. It will also negatively impact our sleep.
Alcohol does relax us initially but may wake us up as it leaves our bodies. This creates a negative sleep deprivation cycle which in turn impacts our stress symptoms further. Alcohol can be also a depressant. So it impacts our mood leaving us feeling worse and drawing on our negative thinking more.
It Doesn’t Matter Where You Start.
I have suggested that you look at your diet and changing small things that could have a positive impact on your stress levels here. But equally you could also prioritize your sleep or take up a form of meditation first. It doesn’t really matter where you start is the point. What matters is that you claw back in small ways that feeling of control and start reducing your stress symptoms.
My Book.
In my book, The Building Blocks Of Self-Care, I provide easy and quick strategies to get you back feeling rebalanced and more focus in your life. The book also includes all the worksheets you need to take you step by step through the process. You can purchase it on Amazon or through my website.
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