Your Daily Motivation

Avoid The Following: Life Sucking, Energy Draining, Negative & Annoying People.

 You owe this to yourself to avoid such people, they aren’t your real friends anyway. They will only use and abuse you to suit themselves and then walk away while you cope with all the damage they have inflicted.So for today as yourself: What kind of people do I have in my life? Make a… Read More Avoid The Following: Life Sucking, Energy Draining, Negative & Annoying People.

Your Daily Motivation

Thoughts And Feelings Should Be Positive To Generate Positive Experiences

 Yes, I know we can’t avoid any thought or feeling and we shouldn’t, but we can place the emphasis on positive ones. As I’ve said before, we need to look for everything we can that is positive and make positive deposits into our positivity bank account on a daily basis. That way, when faced with… Read More Thoughts And Feelings Should Be Positive To Generate Positive Experiences