Mental Health

What Is Machiavellianism?

What Is Machiavellianism DBpsychology  1I’ve been meaning to write this blog for a while. I had covered the other personalities under the Dark Triad before and wanted to complete this series. I’ve covered Psychopaths/Sociopaths and Narcissistic Personality Disorder in previous blogs and videos.

What Is Machiavellianism?

Unlike the other personalities we meet on the Dark Triad though Machiavellianism is not referred to in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for mental disorder V (DSM V). It is treated as a personality construct instead.

During the 16th century Machiavellianism was coined as a word used to describe being deceptive to get ahead. It came from Niccolo Machiavelli who had written a book called “The Prince”.  In this book he described that strong rulers could use any means to justify survival.

People with Machiavellianism are seen as focusing solely on their own interests.  These people will manipulate, deceive and exploit others to get what they want, need and achieve their goals. They are seen as master manipulators at heart. It is found to be more common in men, although you cannot rule out anyone.

Assessment For Machiavellianism

During the 1970’s psychologists Richard Christie and Florence L Geis created an assessment tool called the Machiavellianism Scale.  This is a personality inventory tool used to assess people who are thought to have Machiavellianism. Today it is called the Mach – IV test and is scored out of 100.

Those with a high Mach score, over 60, are considered “high Machs”. They are very focused on their own wellbeing and believe that to get ahead you have to use deception. They prioritise power; do not trust others and regarding depending on other people to be a weakness.

Treatment Of Machiavellianism.

In order for any treatment to be successful we need the client to be honest and willing to come in for therapy. The problem is that those on the Dark Triad are unlikely to seek therapy or see anything wrong with them in the first place. It is often their victims that seek treatment instead.

Sometimes people will be forced into therapy by family or through court orders. Psychotherapy, with an experienced therapist who has knowledge of the dark triad, may work. There again this will only happen with the willing cooperation, and honesty, of the client.

Signs Of Machiavellianism.What Is Machiavellianism DBpsychology

Those with Machiavellianism tend to have the following traits:

  1. They can be very charming and use flattery to get what they want. But are capable of harming others to achieve their aims.
  2. Appear highly confident but also aloof so they can be hard to get to know.
  3. They are exploitive and manipulative. Plus they lie, cheat and deceive others when they need to.
  4. Prioritise their own needs, wants, interests and ambitions over anyone else’s.
  5. Seem to prioritise money and power above all else.
  6. They are lacking in principles, values and morals and have low levels of empathy.
  7. These types of people avoid commitment and emotional attachments but can be prone to promiscuity.
  8. They rarely reveal their true nature or intentions to others.
  9. Machiavellians are very calculating and can be patient if the situation calls for it.
  10. Very good at reading social situations and others but struggle to identify their own emotions.
  11. They are not always aware of the consequences of their actions.

So How Can You Spot A High Machiavellian?

Just like psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists Machiavellians can be extremely dangerous. Some things you can be mindful of that might help you spot one of these individuals.

  1. They enjoy jobs and businesses where the rules and boundaries are ambiguous.
  2. They use emotional detachment to control their impulses. So they can be very patient while waiting for opportunities they want. Remember you are dealing with someone who is very cold and calculating.
  3. Machiavellians will use as many tactics as they can, or need to, in order to get what they want. These may be not so obvious at the time. These will include charm, flattery, supposed friendliness, false self-disclosure, guilt, shame, pressure, blackmail, etc. Remember any and all means go for these people.
  4. They are well known for their bullying tactics in the workplace. So don’t be surprised if you have come across them before. They have non-existent ethics, principles or morals. So as I’ve said they will use and abuse people to reach their aims.

What Is Machiavellianism DBpsychology  3Protecting Yourself Against A Machiavellian.

This is similar to how you would protect yourself from psychopaths sociopaths and narcissists. I’ve listed out several ways in those blogs and videos if you find yourself either in a relationship or working with one of these types of people. So click the links above.

As always I suggest you remove yourself from their company as soon as possible but always with your personal safety in mind. In saying that, I recommend a safety plan similar to those used by DV (Domestic Violence) victims.

I would highly recommend you enter therapy immediately as this will begin your recovery process. It will also aid you in building healthier boundaries and your trust in yourself again. By the time a Machiavellian has finished using someone they will definitely require therapy.

Remember although a lot of interest has be shown about psychopaths Machiavellian behaviour is not just typical of Machiavellianism. Other personality disorders can show some of these traits and Machiavellians can be just as lethal as the others on the Dark Triad.

Remember you are allowed to ask for support. No one is an island. In fact I would strongly advise you to reach out for counseling if you, or a loved one, need it.

My Workbooks

I offer a variety of tips and discuss a range of topics in my workbooks The Building Blocks Of Self-Care, Moving Towards Self-forgiveness, The Little Book Of Reflection And Gratitude and Building Acceptance Into Your Life. You can purchase them on Amazon or here.