
Creating More Positivity In Your Life.

Creating More Positivity DBpsychologyTurning off the negative voice in your head is beneficial. If you have been following the series on deleting negative thinking and negative people hopefully by now you have started to get some relief from my suggestions. 

Your mindfulness or meditation practice should be a basic tool in your self-care arsenal. This is also beneficial to helping with the negative voice and with raising your positivity.  So it’s time to move forward and start to look at using positive self-talk, increasing positive thinking and create more positivity in your life in general.

Don’t forget to continue to challenge your negative thoughts and  delete negative people as you can. Plus use the mini-plan outlined in the blog on negative thinking.

So How Can You Increase Positivity On A Daily Basis?

1. Apart from your basic self-care, take time to breathe every day. It’s essential in helping you look after yourself and others if you do so. You will also gain a boost to your positivity from looking after yourself. 

2. Start writing positive sayings in your journal, be specific, and keep it simple. Read your positive sayings out loud to yourself. Put them up in a place you can see them. Keep looking and saying them until you can look yourself in the eye and believe them. If you haven’t started yet then give yourself a boost by writing 3 things you’re grateful for every day. 

3. Start or keep journaling. Get out all your feelings and emotions on to paper at night before you sleep can be beneficial to your mental health. Getting things down on paper will help your mind rest and improve your sleep

4. You need to be ever watchful for relapses. Your negative self-talk has had free reign for a long time. It takes time to change the tape to a positive one. Sometimes when things are going well we can get forgetful and the old ways can creep right on back in. Making positive self-talk a part of your daily routine can help circumvent that from happening.

5. Surround yourself with positivity from people, things and places. Delete negative people as I suggested. This is your time, you need to look after yourself. So being around negative people won’t be good for you. But you need to build up better friendships. Make sure to proritize your time with the positive people in your life. Therefore pushing out the negative people and the time you have to spend on them. Think about joining a support group if you need one.

6. Delete negative objects from your home also. These would be things that you keep just because… You fill in the blank here. Having objects in your life that are full of bad memories is never positive. Sell them, use the cash to buy stuff you want and most importantly need. Don’t feel guilty about getting rid of anything. Just because someone gave it to you doesn’t mean you need to keep it. Let it go and  let go of your guilt along with it.

7. You need to have a safe place to live. One where you feel at home, at peace and feel secure. You need to take some time now to look at what each room looks like. Is it full of your things or someone else’s choices? Do you feel safe there? Do you need to get rid of things that have bad memories? You can start slowly. But I would recommend starting in your bedroom if you haven’t already done so. If you need to invest some money in making your home secure, then do so! This is important. Decluttering your home can be very uplifting to your mental health.6 tips to Creating More Positivity DBpsychology

Know the difference between what are self-esteem busters and boosters

Emotional happiness comes from boosting our self-esteem and challenging our negative thoughts. Knowing the difference between boosters to your self-esteem and busters is also important. What are these and how do they help build your positivity.

Things That Are Boosters To Us.

  1. Self-care.
  2. Self-acceptance.
  3. Self-love.
  4. Good habits/Self-soothing
  5. Knowing your limits/boundaries
  6. Focus on your good points.
  7. Focus on your strengths.
  8. Challenging negative thinking
  9. Setting realistic goals
  10. Accept challenges.
  11. Have time off.
  12. Self-praise.
  13. Affirmations.
  14. Having a treats & rewards system for yourself in place.
  15. Improve the level between your values and how you think, act or feel.
  16. Improve your relationships skills and good communications in your relationships.

Things That Are Busters To Us.

  1. Procrastination.
  2. Self-hate, criticism or rejection
  3. Negative thinking
  4. Guilt
  5. Stress
  6. Not taking risks no matter how small.
  7. Poor communication skills.
  8. Fear of failure or setting unachievable goals/expectations.
  9. Constantly living in the past or comparing yourself to others.
  10. Overemphasizing self-limitations.
  11. Relationship breakdown
  12. Making your self-worth dependent upon what you have, how much you succeed, or how much you make in terms of money.
  13. Loneliness 
  14. Work Place ProblemsSelf-esteem Boosters Vs Busters Creating More Positivity DBpsychology

Use C.A.T.S to help you set up a mini plan of action for a more positive way of thinking.

C: Accept Compliments.

I know this can be hard but just do it. Don’t over think this one. Just say Thank You when someone gives you a compliment. Make it a point to not say anything else in response. Giving compliments also boosts your self-esteem too.

A: A to Z

Make a list of positive descriptive words to describe yourself using the alphabet. Hang it up where you can see it. Or better yet use each one as your word of the month/week.

T: Treats

Treats are free or inexpensive. You deserve a treat just for being you. Make a list of treats you can give yourself every day – at least one. Then do it. Reward yourself as well. But these are things that cost money. So you can make a list of these as well and decide when you will get these. Like when you finish a big project at work you will reward yourself with a breakaway or a small holiday. Or at the end of the week you’ll go out to lunch or have a massage. Whatever it is, just do this for yourself, you deserve it!

S: Smile.

Yes, that’s right, just smile in particular at yourself. Smile at a stranger in the street too. You could be just what they need to see at that moment. Smiling at yourself can be hard. So think about adding mirror work to your routine. Look at yourself in the mirror each morning and say I love you or I am a good person and I like myself.

The above are just a few ways you can create more positivity in your daily life. Taking control of your stress will also help. If you would like more help with this then join my free group for mums

Work With Me.

Remember you are allowed to ask for support. No woman is an island. In fact I would strongly advice you make sure you create a positive support system before you start to make any changes in your life. One part of that positive support system is working a therapist.

If you need extra support then you can also work with me. We all struggle with stress and overwhelm from time to time. If you find this has become a problem for you and you’d like some support then schedule an appointment with me.