
What Are Emergency Self-Care Kits?

Creating A Self Care Bad Day Kit DBpsychology 1What Are Self-Care Kits For Emergency Or Bad Days?

We all have bad days & need a little help, love & support. Having a self-care emergency kits already set up before you start working on your habits (I talked about these in the last few weeks) is a good idea. It can be part of your treats and rewards system to support you when days seems harder than others.

Why build one of these kits?

As I’ve said bad days happen. We have a really stressful day with the kids or at work. These kinds of days zap your energy, your mood, and your sense of self-esteem and confidence to low levels.

Days like this can be very tough and can create a lack of motivation that sends us into a downward spiral. We want to avoid that spiral at all cost. Especially if we are recovering from any mental health conditions or suffer from SAD.

Remember to bring it back to basics.

Bringing it back to your basic self-care will help re-centre you. But you also need a little extra TLC too. That’s where having the self-care emergency kit’s prepared in advance will come in handy. The idea behind the kit is that they are filled with items that help us feel comforted, and validated again.

What Do You Put Into An Emergency Bad Day Kit?

It’s a good idea to use a physical box to keep things together. But some items may need to be kept virtually also. A physical box is a visual reminder that this kit is already set up and available at any time. Make sure to make it as tactile and stimulating to as many senses as possible.

Add In Some Of Your Favourites:

Examples to include could be:

  1. Books Movies or TV shows: Online lists or a physical copy kept in your box. You can also keep a copy of your favourite Show/Film on DVD or box set in your box.
  2. Music: Playlists or cds/records (yes they’re making a comeback). All of these lists must be positive and you can have several. For example: one for a workout, one for your power hour, one for work (when possible), one for relaxing (definitely have this, even if it only plays in the background), one particularly up lifting one, full of songs that always make you feel good.
  3. Physical Treats in a box: Chocolate, mints, or favourite sweets, candles, bath/body products or pamper items you like to use. Try to incorporate all your senses. You might get some ideas from my posts on healthy habits using the senses.
  4. Favourite recipes or comfort food recipes. Keep these recipes on hand in one place. Again either in an online or in your box. It is also a good idea to have the main ingredients in your fridge and cupboard so you can make these meals at any time.
  5. Comfort Items. These items might not fit into your box. But keep them where you can get them quickly. So include: warm blanket/throw, sweatshirt/jumper, warm fluffy socks, sweat pants, etc., you get the idea.
  6. My Best Friends Or Positive Supporters List. These people must be positive and supportive to you. Include phone number, address and email in your physical box, as you mightn’t have access to you mobile or tablet when you need it. Creating A Self Care Bad Day Kit DBpsychology 2
  7. Favourite Places to Visit List. This list can be used if you want to get out in nature. Which can be very uplifting. But when we feel down we might not think about going to these places. Keeping a list on hand will allow you to access that information quickly for inspiration.
  8. Mantra’s or Affirmations. These are copies of positive phrases that replace your negative self-talk. You should be using them daily until you feel them deep within you. You can also you them as passwords. As reminders that pop-up on your screen. So you are constantly reminded of them. But you can also keep positive quotes that cheer you up. Or remind you to stay motivated, inspired, etc.
  9. Journal and pen. You’ll probably already have one by your bed. So don’t forget to grab it and journal out all your thoughts. Even doing a brain dump can help release some of the pressure and allow you to relax more.
  10. Take a walk down memory (positive) lane. Make sure these are only positive photos of friends, family or places you have visited that uplift and inspire you.
  11. Treats & Rewards List: Treats cost nothing or very little & should be given freely every week. Rewards cost money & should be given after you finish something or complete a goal. I talked about these in my blog on setting new habits so check it out.

Don’t forget to replace the items as you use them. Now it’s over to you. I have a included more detail on these kits in my book the Building Blocks Of Self-Care. Please note it is part of a more detailed self-help book that helps you to set up your new self-care routine.

Work With Me.

Remember to ask for support when you need to. No one is an island. If you need extra support then you can also work with me. We all struggle with stress and overwhelm from time to time. If you find this has become a problem for you and you’d like some support then schedule an appointment with me.