
Are You Too Comfortably In Your Comfort Zone?

When we are in our comfort zone we can all too easily run our lives on auto-pilot. We can fool ourselves into thinking that we are secure, and feel confident in our abilities to handle life. We can get very snug indeed. Until that is life throws a curve ball and knocks us out of that easy chair.

What Happens When We Stay In The Comfort Zone For Too Long?

Our comfort zone can be a nice, easy place to stay but it will also keep us stuck and we can start to become closed minded. Staying too long in our comfort zone can make us complacent, the routine makes us mentally lazy and therefore we start to hold our self back.

We tend to neglect our dreams and goals as we don’t develop any new skill sets or take risks that might make them happen. We can also be less resilient when it comes to facing adversity. Our negative self-talk increases as does the tendency to isolate placing us at higher risk of mental health issues.

The Question Now Becomes Have We Outstayed Our Welcome?

Our first step as always is to raise our awareness. Answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Remember you are the only one who will see this and it might just help you get unstuck.

  1. When was the last time you tried something new?
  2. Do you feel like something has to give or change in your life?
  3. Have you learnt anything new in the last 6 months?
  4. Do you feel you do too much every day?
  5. If you answered yes to the above: Are you keeping yourself busy for a reason? Be honest is this really all your to do list to complete?
  6. Have you taken a risk lately?

So What Did You Find Out?

Where do you sit on the comfort zone circle? Trust your gut here and think about where you are at this moment in time. Are you sitting comfortably in your easy chair? Are you so comfortable that you feel you are almost wrapped up in a duvet and sleeping through life? Or are you changing things up just a little and stepping outside your comfort zone?Are You Too Comfortably In Your Comfort Zone DBpsychology 2

Once you have decided where you are on the comfort zone circle we have to change the question. It now becomes: Does where you are on the comfort zone circle serve you and your goals? Again I’d ask you to be honest with yourself.

We can shy away from answering this question as change is scary. But we have to remember that even when we think we are staying still we are not. We are changing constantly, physically, mentally and emotionally every day.

Acceptance Is Also Key Here.

It is okay to sit and take comfort in the comfort zone for a while when we need it. You don’t have to constantly push yourself forward all the time. It is okay to recharge and take stock. Accepting where you are right now is our next step. We need to acknowledge where we are in order to move things along.

But we always have to stop ourselves from entering the sleepy zone.  So taking the third step, proceeding in small proactive steps, is next.

What Have You Been Putting Off Doing/Trying Because It Would Step You Outside Of Your Comfort Zone?

Yes stepping outside the comfort zone can be scary. But remember it doesn’t have to be a big goal, step or decision that we take. This will probably be a step too far anyway and would only cause you to retreat. It is far better to take smaller actionable steps. Just dip your toe in the water as they say.

What is one actionable step you can take right now? Something you can do immediately, in the next few minutes or by the end of today? Make a decision to something small and just do it! This will give your confidence and momentum to try the next step and the next.

This could mean anything depending on what you found when you answered the questions above. Perhaps eliminating something form your to do list, making a call about a class for a hobby you’d like to try, phoning a friend for coffee or just taking some “me” time. Make a list of things you’ve always wanted to try or do and see can you break these down into manageable steps to reach those goals.

Remember stepping outside our comfort zone will feel a little uncomfortable. Small amounts of discomfort are normal, that is part of the growing and learning phase that comes with change. It’s when we take too large a step that we can put ourselves off as the discomfort level goes too far. So bring it back to a smaller step if that happens, regroup and take stock then try again. It’s the trying again that is all part of the growth and learning that comes from change.

Work With Me.

Remember you are allowed to ask for support. No one is an island. If you need extra support then you can also work with me. We all struggle with stress and overwhelm from time to time. If you find this has become a problem for you and you’d like some support then schedule an appointment with me.